The 10 Best Providers for Online Divorce in Indiana in 2023

For many, divorce is a painful reality. And the process of dividing marital assets can make it even more painful. Despite these truths, the entire divorce process doesn’t have to cause you additional stress. 

So that you can get an uncontested divorce and that blessed final decree as painlessly as possible, I’ve researched, reviewed, and ranked Indiana’s top 10 online divorce providers. 

The results are in, so read on to learn more.

1. My Top Pick: 3 Step Divorce – 9.45/10 (Best Indiana Online Divorce Service)

Without a doubt, 3 Step Divorce is the top choice for getting a divorce online in the state of Indiana. You’ll forget all about their horrendous-looking website when you learn that 3 Step Divorce is the only provider to guarantee that your divorce papers will be accepted at the clerk’s office and approved by the courts.


Buckle up, because this provider zooms past the competition. 

Getting started is simple because their online system is user friendly. It comes with an online questionnaire that really gets the ball rolling on your divorce papers. The kicker? You can complete the forms in less time than it takes to complete a page out of an adult coloring book.

They take things one step further and offer you an online negotiation tool, something you can use if and when you and the other party cannot settle on the terms of your split. From the comfort of your home you can conveniently download, print, sign, and deliver your documents to your local courthouse on the same day.

They offer easy-to-follow instructions for how, where, and when to deliver your legal documents. It’s specific to the state of Indiana, which is a bonus. If you come up against a brick wall, they’ve got real-time customer support staff on hand to answer any questions. 

Making changes is easy, too, since you can always log into your account and edit your documents. If your printer stops working 3 Step Divorce will post your forms at no extra cost. 

3 Step Divorce will get you a military divorce in Indiana. They also offer free online resources to help you understand your rights within the dissolution of marriage. They comply with Indiana law requirements and have zero hidden fees. 

The cherry on top is that you are guaranteed court approval of your papers on the first try. 

This is notable because it means you only have to endure this process once. You won’t need to use any other divorce providers because 3 Step Divorce has your back. 

They charge $299 or monthly installments of $84. If you complete your divorce papers in one day, you get $50 back. They offer support till the final hearing.


They are top rated, but that doesn’t mean you’ll love everything. 

Their website isn’t attractive. Like a first grader’s artwork, you can tell it took effort, but it won’t be displayed at the Louvre.

You don’t get a chance to upgrade your services like you do with some other companies (e.g. filing on your behalf and serving your spouse). 

They offer one package for any person seeking an online divorce in Indiana. If you want something different, or a package with more to offer, you’ll have to look elsewhere. 


3 Step Divorce is my recommendation for filing for divorce online in the state of Indiana because they offer just the right services to get the job done. Their website is ugly, yes, but it won’t impact your user experience, so it doesn’t really matter.

They ensure your papers will get the OK of the courts, unlike some other providers on this list.

Ready to get a fresh start in life and a quick divorce in Indiana? Hire 3 Step Divorce today.

2. Runner Up: It’s Over Easy – 7.85/10 (Expensive for an Online Divorce in Indiana, but Comprehensive)

It’s Over Easy provides a decent service, and they are at the #2 spot because they charge a pretty penny for it. 

For over double what 3 Step Divorce charges, It’s Over Easy will send a measly email to your spouse on your behalf. They’ll do much more than send an email with their Premium package, but that’ll cost you $2500. 


Celebrity divorce specialist Laura Wasser created It’s Over Easy for those who want to experience a fancy online Indiana divorce. 

It’s Over Easy’s basic package allows you to complete your online forms and save them to your device, and they even send it to your spouse via email. Their Premium package gets you much more than this and it’s the part of It’s Over Easy that will leave you feeling like a celebrity. 

With the Premium package, you get help with your forms. You also receive a dedicated case manager, your court filing fee is covered, you can sign all the documents electronically, and you can create a custom parenting plan and negotiate child support and custody as well. 


It’s Over Easy isn’t cheap. 

For $750 you get an email sent to your spouse on your behalf. For the services you’re really after, prepare to spend at least $2500. 


It’s Over Easy is an expensive and comprehensive divorce provider.

For a hands-free dissolution of marriage, this is your best bet. If you don’t want to be frustrated by a divorce court hearing, choose their services.

If that sounds like what you want, check out It’s Over Easy here

3. Rocket Lawyer – 7.3/10 (Best Budget Option for Uncontested Divorce in Indiana)

Rocket Lawyer comes with some decent qualities, and some ones you won’t like. 


They offer generalized legal advice for anyone using their services. They even at times help customers secure temporary custody injunctions from the court. But the Indiana legal services they offer aren’t really free. Rocket Lawyer’s monthly service charge is $39. After you pay this fee, they provide a 30-minute consultation with a top-rated attorney.

During the attorney consultation, you can ask any questions you have about the marriage dissolution process. In addition, you can edit your document on their website. 

Rocket Lawyer will help you file for divorce with no delays or unnecessary waiting periods.


First, you are expected to have prior knowledge of Indiana divorce laws to use their services. You are also expected to know how to submit your forms with the right government agencies.

Second, they don’t provide a guarantee of court approval. By using Rocket Lawyer to file for divorce, you might be taking a risk with your divorce process. 

For such a well-known nationwide company, you’d expect a bit more from Rocket Lawyer.


Rocket Lawyer is a good choice with some significant downsides.

They stand out from the competition due to the free legal consultation they provide for their customers. The $39 per month subscription fee sounds fair and they offer support through the final hearing. 

Still, 3 Step Divorce remains the best choice if you want to end your marriage with your spouse quickly.

4. Divorce Writer

Divorce Writer occupies the #4 spot for a reason. They offer services similar to most divorce providers, but they are lacking in one major area.

By using their services, you’re allowed to make a series of corrections to your Indiana divorce documents several times on their website. Their system is well optimized for filing divorce.

They offer the lowest price guarantee on this list, but don’t fall for that.

They are #4 because of their awful customer support. You can’t speak to their customer service representatives in real time. The only way to reach them is to send an email that would take several hours for them to respond to. Divorce Writer would have been a great online divorce provider if they had great customer support.

Oh! I almost forgot that their website is littered with legal jargon. You almost need a law degree to understand these words. 

Their service fee is quite affordable, but if you don’t want to put a foot wrong with the divorce process, 3 Step Divorce remains the best option. No unnecessary waiting period to dissolve your marriage.

5. LegalZoom

LegalZoom did not originally specialize in divorce. Like Rocket Lawyer, they strayed from being just a legal advice company.

They don’t offer any extraordinary dissolution of marriage services, but they are arguably one of the best Indiana legal services. The company boasts great customer support. Unlike many of their competitors, they assign an attorney to proofread and edit the legal documents of their customers.

Having an attorney review your documents is surely a no-brainer. But there are some downsides to this, including that LegalZoom charges as high as $499. On top of that, access to your legal forms is blocked while the attorney is reviewing your documents.

If you have a high budget for your divorce process, $499 might not seem so high. If you are determined that the local court will accept your documents on the first try, LegalZoom is a good choice. But it’s still not a match for 3 Step Divorce.

6. One Stop Divorce

One Stop Divorce is an average provider. 

They provide basic services. Anybody interested in filing for divorce can log on to their website to complete a self-guided questionnaire. You can find detailed information on how to fill out forms and other related documents. 

One Stop Divorce is priced at $299. Not the cheapest, not the most expensive.

Unlike other top providers, this company made an irritating rule that you can only edit and review your legal divorce documents a limited number of times.

I would love to meet the CEO of this company. I’d like to know why customers must pay $19 per month starting 30 days after they sign up to store documents on their website. It doesn’t cut it for me, and it’s why they’re #6 on this list.

And now, the rest . . .

The online divorce world is intriguing. It seems there’s a divide. On one side of the divide are top-rated divorce companies that offer premium service. On the other side are awful companies you’d pray never handle your case.

I narrowed the best of the worst to four providers. They have one thing in common—saying a lot of nice things on their websites and providing little or no value to their customers. Fall into their hands, you’ll have only yourself to blame.

With the extensive experience I have in the business world, I make a point never to deal with companies who don’t put customers’ interests first like these ones.

7. Complete Case

Complete Case is a bit better than the three companies below. After visiting their website for the first time, you might be hooked by the nice printed words you’ll find there. Don’t be fooled.

One of the biggest turn offs I have about this online divorce provider is that their software is not compatible with the Safari browser, the second most popular browser in the world.

You can’t download and print your completed forms for filing with the court. You must wait for them to mail them to you. 

Because of that, you can’t make any adjustments to your completed forms after submission. You also can’t change your mind about marital property or settlement agreement. Making a mistake on the forms means starting all over again.

I read many critical reviews about Complete Case on TrustPilot. I’m usually skeptical of online reviews—I believe customers might fail to follow instructions and subsequently have a bad experience. But the overwhelmingly poor rating of Complete Case made me believe those reviews—15% of their ratings had one star.

Here is one such review.


To be fair to, their service charge is the lowest on this list. Unfortunately, their low price perfectly matches their service. The main issue with them is their outdated forms.

I’ve still yet to figure out the reason why the legal forms are not updated on their website. If you file for divorce using this provider, you run the risk of a court judge tossing your outdated divorce papers.


I’m not sure why is still in the online divorce business.

An entire 34% of reviews gave them one star. That means one out of every three customers gave them a poor rating!

10. GetDivorcePapers

GetDivorcePapers is the worst online divorce provider. 

Of all their reviews, 64% were one star. That’s pretty bad. Two out of every three customers gave them a one-star review!

Even more surprising is that their service fee is higher than other providers on this list. I advise you to stay away from them.

The Bottom Line

The extensive research I conducted indicates that 3 Step Divorce is the best provider for online divorce in indiana.

One feature that sets them apart is the ease of completing divorce forms on their website. Although their website design needs work, it doesn’t influence your divorce.

Their online negotiation tool can help you and your spouse reach an agreement before the divorce hearing. They are the only online divorce provider on our list that provides a 100% guarantee that the court will approve your divorce papers. They also help throughout all court hearings.

If you need a reliable online divorce provider that can fast-track your divorce case, 3 Step Divorce stands out from the crowd.


For the best results, I divided my review methods into seven steps.

Step 1: Initial Online Divorce Service List

My first step was learning about divorce in Indiana. I searched “online divorce” using Google and read many articles about divorce in Indiana.

I didn’t know there were so many online divorce providers. I narrowed down my results by eliminating providers that didn’t operate in Indiana or were obvious scams or amateurs. 

Step 2: Online Reviews

The next step was to read reviews of the divorce providers with an unbiased eye. I selected a variety of review platforms for this process. This stage was pivotal in streamlining the results I got in step one and eliminating even more substandard providers.

Step 3: Product Analysis

I already knew the top providers and those at rock bottom. My remaining task was to critically analyze the two groups of providers. I considered the following factors:

  • How high is the legal fee? Do they comply with Indiana divorce laws? Does the company assist with the filing process? 
  • Do they offer assistance with minor children-related issues, especially child support? Do they have child support guidelines? Do they have a child support obligation worksheet?
  • Do they demand financial declaration from one spouse or both spouses?
  • Can you use a process server to serve your spouse?
  • Are they familiar with the Indiana legal system? Do their attorneys have in-depth knowledge of Indiana legal services? Do they help get a provisional order from the court?
  • Do they assist customers with contested divorce? How do they handle a divorce petition or petition for dissolution? Do they help with legal separation?
  • Do they guarantee your forms will be accepted in a timely manner? Do they provide the effective legal representation that physical or mental incapacity requires?
  • Do they handle divorce for those in military service?
  • Do they help with court hearings? Do they issue or post certified mail? Do they work with the court’s schedule? Do they help clients resolve court issues?
  • Do they attempt to make parties agree? Do they help with submitting legal documents at the court clerk’s office?
  • Do they offer assistance with rehabilitative maintenance services (i.e. alimony)?

Step 4: Contacting Customers

While step three provided information printed on various websites, the next step was to validate the information I read about Indiana divorces by contacting people that had recently used the services.

I was hoping the negative reviews I read were false. Unfortunately, many customers relayed how bad the experience was for them, particularly the burden of child care responsibilities resulting from an insufficient child support order. The issue of child custody was a common experience of past customers. 

Step 5: Interviews with Online Divorce Services in Indiana

I was determined to learn as much as I could about online divorces in Indiana. My approach was to relay the negative things I read about them to see how they would respond.

Some sales or legal representatives were defensive, while others promised to take my reports back to the team. Three out of the four bottom Indiana divorce providers told me the negative reviews I read were the handiwork of their competitors trying to bring them down.

Step 6: Test Drives

To get first-hand experience, I signed up with all the divorce in Indiana providers on this list. I pretended as if I wanted a divorce. Don’t worry, I informed my spouse about the project. 

Step 7: Ratings

This step involved rating the online providers of divorce in Indiana based on the preceding steps. I ranked these online uncontested divorce companies based on the overall quality of their service.

Best Indiana Online Divorce Review Summary

I had to identify the best online no-fault divorce company in Indiana.

I found 10 providers of divorce in Indiana worth mentioning and created a detailed review of three. All in all, 3 Step Divorce is by far leading the pack!

Here’s a quick reminder about 3 Step Divorce:

  • Always available to answer questions about your particular legal rights
  • Effective negotiation tool
  • Clients can file for divorce with ease
  • Easy written instructions found on their website
  • Effective customer service
  • Guaranteed approval

Do you want a no-fault divorce and effective legal representation through the final hearing? 3 Step Divorce is your best option.

The Best Online Divorce Services Around The United States

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Online Divorce Arkansas
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Online Divorce Colorado
Online Divorce Connecticut
Online Divorce Delaware
Online Divorce Florida
Online Divorce Georgia
Online Divorce Hawaii
Online Divorce Idaho
Online Divorce Illinois
Online Divorce Indiana
Online Divorce Iowa
Online Divorce Kansas
Online Divorce Kentucky

Online Divorce Lousiana
Online Divorce Maine
Online Divorce Maryland
Online Divorce Massachusetts
Online Divorce Michigan
Online Divorce Minnesota
Online Divorce Mississippi
Online Divorce Missouri
Online Divorce Montana
Online Divorce Nebraska
Online Divorce Nevada
Online Divorce New Hampshire
Online Divorce New Jersey
Online Divorce New Mexico
Online Divorce New York
Online Divorce North Carolina
Online Divorce North Dakota

Online Divorce Ohio
Online Divorce Oklahoma
Online Divorce Oregon
Online Divorce Pennsylvania
Online Divorce Rhode Island
Online Divorce South Carolina
Online Divorce South Dakota
Online Divorce Tennessee
Online Divorce Texas
Online Divorce Utah
Online Divorce Vermont
Online Divorce Virginia
Online Divorce Washington
Online Divorce Washington DC
Online Divorce West Virginia
Online Divorce Wisconsin
Online Divorce Wyoming

Contact us to schedule your complimentary consultation.

Liner Law Group
18 West Broadway
Manhattan, NY 10002

This website contains general information and is not intended to serve as a source of legal advice for any purpose.

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